LoL: Top 15 Best Ultimates! These League of Legends Ultimate abilities will win you team fights, secure you objectives, and help you kill nexus's and rank up quickly. Time to press R and win some games! Teemo Noxious Trap Teemo's Ultimate is less of an ultimate and more of a. Poison from Singed, Teemo, and Twitch count towards Cassiopeia's E damage amplification. Powerspikes: Cassiopeia spikes at level 2, 3, and 6. She spikes most upon completing Archangel's + situational 2nd item and continues to spike with each completed item.
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HELLO, you may be wondering. Why would I use this trash build?Well my friend I will have you know that this build will do 3019 dmg plus 8% of the targets current health as bonus dmg (before resistance and before your 6th item)
One shot any Adc and Mid laner that comes across your mushroom filled path.
This is my first guide so sorry for the messiness :D
Lets do some math!Teemo has a base AD stat of 49, and Trinity Force does 200% base ad after an ability is used. which means Teemo will do 98 bounus dmg for a total of 146 after one abilty
DuskBlade will does 360 dmg after attacking from being unseen (Preferably out of his stealth).
Rapid fire cannon will give Teemo a 30% chance to crit and do even more dmg (not added towards the 3019 base dmg of this build) while aslo doing 120 magic dmg
Your last item is left up to what you need for the game, anything will work, more AP or AD won't hurt, Crit chance? Why not. Some more tank stats won't hurt either.
NO BOOTS FOR TEETO. Your enemy will be Slowed by multiple sources. Your mushrooms, Duskblade passive, Bork, Gunblade. and you'll have an additional 36% movement speed buff from your W and Items, raised to 62% if you use your W. If you're enemy got away they flashed twice into a Thresh Lantern.
If you're not waiting to kill someone you are farming anything you can, take the jungle camps, lane minions, Rift herald. Anything that gives Experience you want to farm.The faster you level up the more damage you do from you're items, which means you killing things even faster.
Team Fights
With this build you can still be useful in team fights, you have good dmg from your AD giving items and Bork Passive, and great sustain from Gunblade and Bork. Plus Teemo has a AOE slow from his ult, and a ability that makes most adc's useless (his Bliding Dart). You are the Kite King with multiple ways to slow people so don't be afraid to keep your distance.You can play safe and stay behind your tanks, or you can engage by blowing up a squishy target if you have someone to follow up with you.
You take towers fast with your high attack speed, high dmg, and Trinity force, don't be afraid to push and take objectives when you can.
You are the definition of a Call of Duty camper with a shotgun. You will wait anywhere you can and insta-burst people down when ever you can.Lay you're Mushrooms everywhere for vision and prep for assassinations.
Mixed Dmg Teemo Builds
When someone is in range and they step in a mushroom unleash all of your abilities and active items to slay them.Mixed Dmg Teemo Guide
Lets do some math!Teemo has a base AD stat of 49, and Trinity Force does 200% base ad after an ability is used. which means Teemo will do 98 bounus dmg for a total of 146 after one abilty
DuskBlade will does 360 dmg after attacking from being unseen (Preferably out of his stealth).
Rapid fire cannon will give Teemo a 30% chance to crit and do even more dmg (not added towards the 3019 base dmg of this build) while aslo doing 120 magic dmg
Lastly Hextech Gun Blade and Bork actives will do 350 dmg total with 8% current health while slowing your enemy down and speeding you up!
Your last item is left up to what you need for the game, anything will work, more AP or AD won't hurt, Crit chance? Why not. Some more tank stats won't hurt either.
NO BOOTS FOR TEETO. Your enemy will be Slowed by multiple sources. Your mushrooms, Duskblade passive, Bork, Gunblade. and you'll have an additional 36% movement speed buff from your W and Items, raised to 62% if you use your W. If you're enemy got away they flashed twice into a Thresh Lantern.
If you're not waiting to kill someone you are farming anything you can, take the jungle camps, lane minions, Rift herald. Anything that gives Experience you want to farm.The faster you level up the more damage you do from you're items, which means you killing things even faster.
Team Fights
With this build you can still be useful in team fights, you have good dmg from your AD giving items and Bork Passive, and great sustain from Gunblade and Bork. Plus Teemo has a AOE slow from his ult, and a ability that makes most adc's useless (his Bliding Dart). You are the Kite King with multiple ways to slow people so don't be afraid to keep your distance.You can play safe and stay behind your tanks, or you can engage by blowing up a squishy target if you have someone to follow up with you.
You take towers fast with your high attack speed, high dmg, and Trinity force, don't be afraid to push and take objectives when you can.
You are the definition of a Call of Duty camper with a shotgun. You will wait anywhere you can and insta-burst people down when ever you can.Lay you're Mushrooms everywhere for vision and prep for assassinations.